Fall Tour Of Homes

Happy fall y’all! Well, it isn’t technically fall just yet but it certainly is around the Fitzy house. As soon as the kiddos head back to school in August I am ready for all things fall. Today I am partnering with my good friends from No Place Like Home to provide lots of fall inspiration as you begin your fall decorating. We are providing a Fall Tour of Homes. By simply clicking on each link below you can visit everyone’s beautiful home. Now grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy all this beautiful fall inspiration. Seeing images like these reminds us how valuable our homes and their contents are to us, meaning we should try to protect them at all costs. Researching Iowa home insurance, or wherever you reside, could be a good idea if you’ve just moved into a new home or are looking to switch to a more competitive plan in order to keep all your belongings protected in the event of the unthinkable.
A Home To Grow Old In | Hey Fitzy | Nourish and Nestle
Sweet Parrish Place | The Red Painted Cottage | Savvy Apron
One of the things I enjoy most about our new home is the big open staircase right inside the front door. All our prior homes had carpeted stairs so I often dreamed of someday owning a home with a wooden staircase. The staircase in this home did not disappoint. They are so much easier to clean and maintain. No more yucky carpet. And…the best part…decorating for the holidays. There’s a big wall space midway allowing me to hang nearly any picture I like. I swap the picture and the frame every season so that I have a stylish staircase. I wouldn’t have a summery picture up around Christmas, it just wouldn’t make sense! I often opt for high quality photo mounting and create my own pictures so that it fits in with the theme I’m going for. I’m hoping we’ll get some good pictures at the pumpkin patch this year and I can hang that on the stairs to go with my decorations. There is a landing near the bottom so it was fun to pile on the pumpkins. I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I look around in awe at the home we now have. Even the ease of the move shocked me, this is why having professional movers assist you is really ideal. You may want to try a moving van London if you live in the area.
I placed some little white pumpkins from the local market in the window. These mums won’t be blooming for a while. I like to buy them when they are still closed up so I can extend their season a bit. It has taken me several years to learn how to properly care for fall mums. Year after year I killed them. So much trial and error before I finally figured out the tricks to keeping my mums alive all season. You can see my tips to care for fall mums here.
I incorporated several different pumpkins into my fall decor. Some real from the local market and others have been collected over the years.
I love my neutral table scape this fall. With some simple clippings from the garden, I used all my existing decor to create a table I adore. It is took me some time to understand that a neutral base is the perfect canvas for added color later. Now I can easily switch up my table with the simple addition of different napkins or garden clippings. This approach helps me enjoy my table for a longer time while keeping it fresh and new at the same time. See more of my neutral table here.
It wouldn’t be a Fitzy home tour without a photo bomber. Every time I get the camera out, this little puppy wants to be right in the middle of everything. Little Miss Winifred (or Wynee for short) is my constant companion and the best snuggle buddy I could ask for. At a whopping five whole pounds, she truly is a big dog trapped in a little dog’s body. She likes to ‘protect’ me from even the slightest of threats. 🙂
Here is my other photo bomber. Miss Ivee just had her 10th birthday. She is the sweetest ol’lady you could ever meet. She has never met a stranger and greets everyone with a wag of her tail.
This dough bowl was a fun find at an antique market last spring. I like to change out the decor throughout the year. Right now I have a few decor balls along with simple white pumpkins for fall.
This mudroom bench is one of my favorite features in our new home. Over Labor Day weekend, my mother-in-law helped me make this great cushion. It was an easy project that really pulled the space together.
Thank you for stopping by to see our fall home tour. Now take a moment to visit all my No Place Like Home friends to see their fabulous fall decor. Prepare to be inspired! Just click their links below. If you’re trying to improve your house, build your smart home with the latest labour saving technology and see how your lifestyle improves.