Chicken Tacos

It is official. The last few days of summer vacation before my kids start school on Thursday. While I am disappointed to see summer come to an end, I am excited for the many new beginnings the new school year will bring. All three of my kids will be starting new schools this year so please say an extra prayer as they venture out on Thursday morning. My hope is they have a fabulous first day and the adjustment goes smoothly for them.
With the start of the new school year, I can anticipate many busy week nights. Each kid has homework, activities, and/or lessons. It is important for me to plan ahead to ensure dinners are planned and prepped prior to the busy week. Otherwise, one of two things happens; 1) we don’t eat as healthy as we would prefer or 2) we don’t eat together as a family. It really is important that we eat dinner together to catch up on the day, coordinate upcoming activities, or simply spend quality time together. I don’t like to anyone to miss family dinner. To help with those easy meals, my friend Susan at Crafting a Family is sharing a great recipe that is super easy to make on those busy weekend nights. Slow cooker chicken tacos is a family favorite around our house!
Here are some fun facts about Susan
What is your favorite inspirational quote?
- My favorite inspirational quote is an old family saying “It is better to arrive at the pearly gates of heaven late than to the gates of hell on time”. Meaning to slow down and take your time to do things right.
What is the best place you’ve ever visited?
- The Best place I ever visited was Germany when I was 16 years old
And, most importantly, head on over at Crafting a Family to check out Susan’s yummy taco recipe. Click Here
Please share with me your favorite quick and easy recipe for those busy week nights.
2017 Summer Blog Hop Co-Hosts: