Are you still exciting about decluttering your home? I know I am. I’m even more excited about having the chance to build a dream bathroom in the future after reading this blog though. Of course, when getting your dream bathroom installed, it’s important to make sure that it’s kept clean and organized. Achieving your dream bathroom can be expensive, however, they can make a big difference. To make sure your bathroom is installed correctly, it might be worth contacting Sarkinen Plumbing in Portland, Oregon, or another plumber more local to you, to ensure the new bath and sink are connected to the pipes correctly. Once you’ve got your dream kitchen, it’s time to keep it clean and free of clutter.
Perhaps it reveals a little too much about me but I really thrive in a clean and organized space. Ask any of my friends. When all the stuff around me starts to go awry, I feel overwhelmed and it is hard for me to focus. I also learned a long time ago that I save a ton of time in the long run when everything has its place. I had a big, big clear out and used an instant junk removal service to get rid of all the stuff I didn’t need, use or want. Now, all the things I do use, need and won’t have their own little home. You don’t have to frantically search for those lost items if they are tucked away right where they belong. Plus…as a full mom confession…if everything has a place, my kids are more likely to actually put it away. If they don’t know where it goes, it is liable to end up just about anywhere. So it ends up being a win-win. We don’t spend endless time searching for lost items and my kids have gotten much better about picking up after themselves.
Now this didn’t happen overnight but we have established a habit of simply putting things away. I heard from a friend that they had so much stuff in their bathroom that they had to contact a storage space estimator to make sure that they have the right space to move all of their extra stuff too.
Today we are going to focus on the bathroom. I didn’t do anything new or fancy for this post but rather will show you what works for me. I have used the same system for years and it tends to keep the bathroom nice and organized. Let’s start with my makeup drawer.
From the time I was a little girl I have always loved makeup. In fact, I may have gotten in trouble once for wearing a little too much eye makeup to school. As I got older, it isn’t so much about the makeup but rather I love taking care of my skin. My morning and evening skin care routine are something I always make time for. This routine is even easier when everything is accessible. Above you will see a photo of my makeup drawer. I use clear plastic drawer liners that I found at Target years ago. They were part of an office supply line at the time but I love them for the bathroom. Everything is easy to find. I don’t necessarily have a ton of different products. If I don’t like it…I get rid of it. When it becomes outdated…I throw it out. And…as much as I may want to try something new, I really try to use what I have before I buy something new. This really helps me keep the clutter down and saves me money along the way. What you see is what I use.
We have a linen closet in the bathroom as well. This is where I store all the odds and ends that aren’t used everyday. These totes were also a Target find years ago. I store all our travel supplies in one bin. All those little bottles of this or that can drive me crazy. Now they are all in one place and just where we can easily find them when getting ready for a trip. In the makeup bin I store makeup for special events as well as any new makeup that I may have picked up when my old tube is almost gone. We have an entire bin just for toothbrushes and oral hygiene. With 6 people in our family I buy toothbrushes in bulk. Seems like someone always needs a new one. The smaller bins are a great way to store other bathroom necessities.
Under the sink I use these black baskets (also from Target) to organize my other beauty items. I like the way the baskets keep everything organized and in its place. It is a whole pile of stuff but it feels neat and organized when placed in little baskets.
Ok…just some simple everyday ways to keep your bathroom neat and organized.
Are you feeling motivated yet? Follow the links below to see more organization inspiration.
Week One Challenge- Kitchen Click Here
Week Two Challenge- Craft / Office Space Click Here
20 Smart Organizing Ideas for your Kitchen Click Here
20 Creative Ideas to Organize your Pantry Click Here
Have you entered to win the gift card yet? As previously mentioned, the gals from No Place Like Home are hoping to motivate you to declutter your home with the opportunity to win a $150 gift card from The Container Store. You have multiple opportunities to enter the giveaway:
2) Each week submit a photo of a declutter challenge or success to the inlinkz below. (If you are not linking from a webpage and are just uploading an image from your computer, click on option 3 in the inlinkz box that says ‘Image URL’ and add your image from your computer. This link ( ) helps explain that further.)
Link Party Guidelines:
1. Please only link up posts that are kitchen decluttering/organizing related.
2. Please only link up your original work.
3. Please only post something that you have not posted before during this 4 week challenge.
4. Please go to the original post before you pin something.
5. By linking up to this party, you are giving the ladies of No Place Like Home permission to share your pictures on social media or our blogs at any time in the future. Of course there will be a link back to your original post.
For more inspiration, you can click on each blog listed below to see what all my friends at No Place Like Home are doing to declutter and organize their bathrooms.
A Home To Grow Old In | Hey Fitzy | Nourish and Nestle | Sweet Parrish Place
Paint Yourself A Smile | The Red Painted Cottage | Savvy Apron | The Aspiring Home |